The Anchored Abstinence Recipe™

Discover a holistic, integrated, and functionally transformative nutrition program that empowers private, aspiring women to break free from the evening routine of wine or cocktails. Reclaim your sense of life-balance, connection, and genuine enjoyment of life!

Today more than ever!

It is challenging for high-functioning career women to rebound from the stress of their workday with a calm mind and the energy to enjoy their life at home or an evening out in a way they can feel really good about.  

Many women have found themselves stuck in the nightly routine of glass after glass of wine or cocktails to relax, quiet the chaos of the daily grind and demanding workloads, tune out the stressors of family life or chase away loneliness and boredom.

Whether they're having 3, 4, 5 or more glasses an evening or going back and forth from refraining to bingeing, a holistic nutrition & whole body-mind approach can help woman take the alcohol out of their nightly routine without leaving them feeling embarrassed, frustrated, or anxious.


The Anchored Abstinence Recipe™

The online program includes our immersive course, The Anchored Abstinence Recipe™, offering access to our exclusive online community for professional support, consistent and supportive accountability, and a wealth of meaningful resources and benefits.

How do we know The Anchored Abstinence Recipe™ program will work for you?

The simple answer is this program is unlike anything you have ever tried.

Utilizing our holistic approach, encompassing both the mental and physical aspects, The Anchored Abstinence Recipe™ program facilitates profound transformations in the way you perceive and interact with alcohol. Our methodology addresses three key areas crucial for comprehensive change:

1. Cognitive Shift: This component addresses your beliefs about alcohol formed through cultural upbringing, societal norms, and learned consumption patterns. Bit by bit we break this belief system down and assist you in curating a new system of neuropathways, beliefs, thoughts, and habits around alcohol.

Mahatma Gandhi once articulated a profound truth that resonates deeply with the holistic path to well-being. He said, 'Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny.' This insight underscores the importance of nurturing positive beliefs and thoughts as they ultimately shape our health and destiny.

2. Emotional Reassessment: We help you examine your emotional connection to alcohol through private discussions, intuitive insights and reflective self-awareness techniques including cognitive behaviour retraining which you will go deeper into and build upon at each leg of your transformation.

While these two steps are powerful and essential, it's important to note that they alone will not effectively correct the underlying biochemical imbalances in your brain or body-mind. This is why we address your physiology along with your psychology.

3. Biochemical Recalibration: The heart of our program lies in the recognition that biochemical dysregulation in your brain and body plays a pivotal role in keeping you stuck in your nightly routine. Alcohol exposure negatively impacts every cell, tissue and organ in the body. It is this biochemical impact at the cellular level (at the cell memBRAIN to be precise) that creates and perpetuates cravings, desires for alcohol and what is perceived as a 'lack of willpower'. Simply relying on cognitive strategies alone to counter this impact is insufficient. Creating lasting freedom from the thoughts and desires for wine and cocktails requires correcting the biochemistry of your brain, body-mind and body so that all parts of you are working together toward the goal simultaneously. This is the game changer!

By addressing all three areas simultaneously, we ensure that the shifts you make are not only enduring but also prevent you from reverting to old, unhealthy patterns. It's important to understand that sheer willpower cannot break this cycle. Attempting to solely "change your relationship with alcohol" neglects the essential aspect of addressing your physical mind and physical body, which right now are the driving forces behind the biochemical imbalances that fuel and perpetuate the cravings, desires or notions.

Struggling to override the neurochemical signals generated by your brain and body-mind with linguistic approaches alone is often futile. To truly rewire the neural pathways and effect lasting change, you must also address the physical roots of thoughts and emotions. This means providing your body and mind with the necessary biochemical building blocks and fuel required to recalibrate and transform your body-wide neural network.

Disregarding the physiological triggers that perpetuate the nightly cycle of wine or cocktails is akin to ignoring an elephant in the room—an elephant that persistently cues your cravings and thoughts for wine or cocktails. This elephant won't simply respond to spoken or written words; it demands a comprehensive approach that embraces the cognitive, emotional and biochemical dimensions of your reliance on alcohol. You can become Self-Reliant!

So what imbalances and deficiencies are at the root of what is keeping you stuck?

  • ​Preexisting biochemical imbalances of neurohormones, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and much more that contributed to your initial susceptibility to developing the nightly habit including things like, genetic predispositions, periods of low moods, anxiousness, stress burnout or eating disorders;

  • ​​Biochemical dysregulation brought on by regular and prolonged consumption of wine or cocktails that work in a cyclic pattern in the body—it's no accident you start thinking about having a glass at nearly the same time every day; and

  • ​Biochemical "gaps" that remain when you have tried to take the wine or cocktails out of your diet in the past. Gaps that when left unaddressed work against you and cue your brain and body-mind to reintroduce the wine or cocktails. This is commonly referred to as that 'little devil' or your '5 o'clock brain' telling you... go ahead you deserve that glass

“This program is the ‘MISSING LINK’ in recovery from alcohol use disorder that other programs don’t include.”

 〜 Sally, New York, USA


NOTE: In order to ensure the privacy of our clients, we have replaced all their first names with 'Jane' and abbreviated their last names. If you would like further details on how we maintain client privacy and confidentiality, please reach out to us through the Contact link provided above.

“I remember when I first spoke to you I didn’t know if I could do it. I was so afraid of failing. Now I don’t feel that I will ever go back.”
〜 ‘Jane’ M. Quebec, Canada

"I have been feeling great! Some changes I’ve experienced are clear mind, able to manage stressful times better. I am sleeping better. I can focus, it’s amazing I didn’t realize how much drinking was fogging my head!"
~'Jane' G. Ontario, Canada

“You have a well-designed program. I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I think you have pulled together exactly what I needed to get on track. Your content is fabulous.”
~ ‘Jane’ C. Pennsylvania, United States

My Mission

Driven by a deep-seated passion, I've dedicated myself to dismantling the shadows of stigma and shame that hover over excessive alcohol consumption. My journey is about more than education; it's a heartfelt mission to reveal the intricate dance between the mind, body, and the silent tendrils of alcohol dependency. Through my immersive exploration into psychoneuroimmunology, behavioral epigenetics and the delicate biochemistry that underpins alcohol dependency, I bring to light the transformative power of functional nutrition and holistic lifestyle shifts.

This is not just science; it's the art of healing, the magic of transformation. Together, we navigate the complexities of dependency, armed with groundbreaking insights and compassionate understanding. My approach is about empowering you to shed layers of guilt, to rebuild not just your health but your essence, and to rediscover the vibrant joy of your authentic self.

If this message resonates with you, if you feel that spark of curiosity and hope, then I am eager to connect with you. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together, where every step forward is a step toward reclaiming your brilliance and vitality.

Are you ready to find out if 

The Anchored Abstinence Recipe™

online program is the solution

you've been looking for?

If so, apply and schedule your free consultation today! In just one session you'll know with confidence how our approach will work for you.




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Contact Us

Email: [email protected]
Message: Angelina Pennell Nutrition
Telephone: 1.403.620.3819

Address: 138 South Shore Point, Rocky View County, Alberta, Canada T1Z 0J1

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Mountain Time (12-10 ET)

Need to schedule a time outside of regular hours?  Find a time here

ANGELINA PENNELL NUTRITION is 100% Virtual. Private and Group Coaching Options

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The information on this site is for educational use only. No information on this site is intended to diagnose disease or replace current medical treatment.

Please always consult your medical provider before making dietary, supplement or lifestyle changes.