I just felt like it was normal [giggle] IT’S WORKING!
I have gone through travelling, restaurants, anniversaries, bad days at work, and stressful situations, quite a bit. And I don’t mind that I’m doing the program at my pace because it gives me more time living my life this way so it becomes more natural for me to live my life this way.”
My kids are around me a lot more. I am able now to have a social beer and be done. No longer boxes of wine putting me into a coma or a rage. Thank you so much!”
"It's been a great year! Finally opened the restaurant! Busy as ever!!! Yes, my alcohol consumption has remained at a level I feel good about. I am doing very well!”
You are incredible, AA and RR can't even compete.
The program is absolutely one-on-one in so many ways. Angelina is kind, understanding, respectful and does genuinely want to help. I highly recommend the program. From my heart I promise this is the truth. The women in this program who are in this situation support you and you totally feel supported, understood and not alone.”
I really feel like I don’t want alcohol to be a part of my life and now I’m working on fine tuning other areas of my life. I have an aversion to alcohol now. I recently tried a drink and it was too sweet, too strong and my stomach bothered me the next day for the whole day. I finally realized it wasn’t worth it. It isn’t worth the money, it isn’t worth what it does to my body, it doesn’t deliver what my mind erroneously thought it would. I’ve gotten to the point where I can say “I could have a drink”, but why?” That’s where I am.
I can feel now how it really anchors me. I’m just so excited because I never thought I’d be at this point. This experience isn’t like rules, it’s like freedom really.”
I can’t remember the last time I haven’t drunk for this long. I am very proud of the fact that I don’t crave it. I’m seeing the benefits! I’m no longer experiencing heartburn or nausea associated with gastritis.
Completing this program, I definitely changed my thinking around alcohol. I feel like this is an awesome program, and I really happy with my results
Once my body started to change some of the reasons for drinking went away because I was so focused on taking care of myself.
It's a great program. I'm learning so much and making myself a priority to get healthy physically, mentally and emotionally."
I am more aware of how much alcohol was a part of my life. I have learned a lot so far..”
“I really enjoyed the weekly call and hearing other people’s stories. Made me feel like a part of things instead of doing this all alone.”
"I have been feeling great! Some changes I’ve experienced are clear mind, able to manage stressful times better. I am sleeping better. I can focus, it’s amazing I didn’t realize how much drinking was fogging my head!"
I’m no longer interested in alcohol. I was kind of surprised. I never realized before this program how much alcohol was affecting my body."
Sleep is returning to normal. I’m one happy mama. I have been getting up and this morning I was out biking by 10 am and I did some mindful reading, and I am feeling pretty good. I almost feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop!
I’m surprisingly having a really easy time with this. I haven’t thought about drinking; I haven’t had a drink. I went to the restaurant for dinner last Sunday and wasn't bugging me at all, which is really weird. Because for me the cues would trigger me until I caved and now nothing is bothering me.
I made a joke at the restaurant, just to see their reaction and I said “Well maybe a glass of wine wouldn’t be so bad”. My husband looked at me, and he didn’t say “yes”, and he didn’t say “no”, he just looked at me with his guard up.
And my 15-year-old said “No way, mom, no way you’re doing so good,” and so that is when I realized, even though I didn’t think it was impacting my kids. It was eye-opening, and I’m seeing that everyone is happier, including myself. And it’s nice to know that everyone is pleased with the outcome."
People at work say that I have changed quit a lot, that I’m not so stressed or moaning about work and that I seem a lot happier and brighter. So I know it’s working.
I've managed to go to pubs, for meals out and a very boozy weened with 20 plus people at a BBQ. I wasn't tempted even while holding other's glasses of red wine while they took photos. I even order alcohol for others.
I don’t have thoughts about alcohol. There has been a bottle at my partner's house that has sat there since Christmas, and it's still full. Take it or leave it; I don’t need it. My partner likes it because I’m more ‘with it’, and not ‘dizzy’.
Plus this morning I bumped into my ex-husband and for the first time, we had a relaxed stress-free conversation. I never thought I’d be doing that 6 months ago."
The program wasn’t complicated, and once I dove in and allowed myself not to do it perfectly, I benefited from every single thing that I did do. It accumulated. And the outcome of not craving alcohol and building a better life built on my happiness and gave me more motivation. I was just thinking about how tired I was before starting, whereas now I’m not tired at all.
Because Angelina was so relaxed about how I was held accountable and that it was ok that I did it my way. I found that freeing to participate and do what I needed to and be guided through the process without having to do things by the letter.
What Angelina is doing is absolutely phenomenal. I am going to tell anyone and everyone I can about this program. I have already told my doctor and my psychologist because it really is something different from what is commonly out there. It's empowering, and I don’t want to say it's easy, but with Angelina’s team and Angelina and the accountability, the positive energy and the none judgement and how it's all laid out. Angelina has a real treasure in this program.”
Just a few of the changes of I have experienced since going through the program include: physically feel better (not sluggish in the mornings), mentally feel better (not constantly thinking about when I'm going to have my next glass of wine) and spiritually feel better (feel more at peace with myself). There is no more negative self-talking and I generally feel happier and have better focus.
I was very satisfied with my client experience and the support offered particularly the 1:1 calls. Angelina is truly and angel. She was comforting, patient and full of knowledge.. I can’t say there was one module that was more helpful than others, but I feel that all the modules each had their importance as it scaffolded the information I needed as I was learning about my dependency.
I loved the weekly sessions with Angelina and her team. They helped reinforce why we were on our path towards abstinence. The different speakers helped us navigate certain elements of what we might or can be experiencing in life and how to effectively acknowledge and address them. The weekly group calls provided me with a lot of insight on what was going on internally, and the support of the group and Angelina’s team was very encouraging.
Before starting this program I thought I wasn’t going to be able to socialize like I used to without alcohol…completely FALSE! I have no cravings at all. I would recommend this program for anyone struggling with alcohol, I truly believe this program works, and better than any 12-step program out there.
I wake up when my alarm goes off, sometimes even a few minutes before. I feel rested. I just generally have this feeling of good, happy, a feeling of liberty. I feel liberated."
The thoughts of wine will pop up here and there but it’s just a brief thought that I don’t give much attention to. There’s no craving or desire there. It’s very freeing actually. It feels nice to know that I can show up for myself. The accountability and all of it has helped so much, it has been great. I’m feeling very thankful.”
I've had similar bits and pieces from different herbalists, iridologist, nutritionist and naturopaths over my lifetime, but the pieces weren’t sustainable. I didn’t get the results I wanted and it stressed me out. Your program is comprehensive. I'm quite enjoying it and I really appreciate your help.”
“I haven't had any anxiety symptoms since Wednesday the 7th. My brain fog lifted on Friday the 9th. Rather suddenly I might add. Just all of a sudden I had clear thoughts and purpose.
Sleep has been amazing. Basically a textbook 11-7 for me with no alarms. This hasn't happened before in my life.”
The fact that you have all these meal plans and the information is there, you really know your stuff and it shows. Anything that is ever brought up you know the nutrients or the supplements and what is going to help and not just what helps but also why it helps. I just wanted to say thank you, it is a super course.”
Emotionally, I am able to deal with things better than I could when I was having alcohol. Recently there was a situation that became a ‘thing’ and normally in that type of that situation, the first thing I would have done was go and get some wine. But this time I didn’t even want to.”
I was very proud of myself that I enjoyed the whole holiday without alcohol even though I was on vacation with another person who drank regularly. I only wish I had done this program a year or two ago.
Thank you again Angelina, the angel is in your name for a reason. You really helped me through a really tough time in my life. This year wouldn’t have turned out very well if I hadn’t decided to join the program. I think it would have been a very slippery, sad slope that I would have gone down and I don’t know where I would have ended up. But I don’t think I would have ended up here that’s for sure.
When you showed up on my Facebook it was a divine intervention. You showed up at the right time for me. I feel that if it was anyone but you, I'm not sure I would have been as appreciative. You helped me work through a lot of stuff.
My greatest encouragement is how I feel every morning when I awake—rested, fresh and no fogginess, alert and present. It feels wonderful actually.
I can come across something that happens differently now almost on a daily basis...whether its a thought, something I said or didn't say or an action. And each time I am thankful for this program with Angelina, her team and all the members that has allowed me to find myself again."
What I like about this program is that it takes a holistic approach and it addresses metabolic root causes and makes dietary changes that can lead to root cause change. I think that is really important because it is so much more fun focusing on food than focusing on my alcohol. Because alcohol is such a negative, whereas eating healthy is such a positive. I really like that.
I don’t feel like I am someone with alcohol use disorder seeking help, I feel like someone who wants to drink and eat healthier and l like that reframing. I really appreciate that.”
When sharing with my family, it was so much easier to talk about this program and changing my diet rather than telling them alcohol was really impeding my ability to cope with life.
If I can say, a tribute to this program, this is the best I have felt in 27 years. I really do believe in this plan and I believe in it whole-heartedly."
Prior to starting this program I was having 5 glasses of wine or a bottle a night. Now I feel good, I haven't had anything to drink. It feels a little strange.
I would have thought I would go through the withdrawal symptoms that I use to go through when I tried to quit in the past.
The other day I had to to into the grocery store. It was a huge test. I was able to buy what I needed and I didn't buy any alcohol. That felt really good.
I have noticed I don't have as much swelling or arthritis-type pain. My knee is 100% better. It's the best it's felt since my surgery 2 years ago. I was diagnosed with an inflamed liver a little over a month and now that has completely calmed down. I don't have those sharp pains there anymore.
I was thinking... I had tried so hard for so long to do this...I was ready for 10 years... It's crazy, I feel really good about this.”
Alcohol isn’t in the equation anymore. It’s definitely not my go to.
It’s interesting as seasons are changing because there was a strong habit of having a glass of beer or wine while sitting on a chair in the sun and that’s not an issue for me. Now I enjoy a bubbly drink then, and I was surprised how easy it was, actually.”
I feel that everything that used to seem so overwhelming whether it be work, something with my son or even being sick just feels so different. I feel like I am feeling how to be me. It is a great feeling."
"Last Friday, was one year alcohol free. I'm beyond proud of myself and grateful for all those who have helped me and walked with me through this journey and continue to. I want to thank you for walking by my side for a good portion of it. I will always be grateful!"
I have to commend you on this program. The amount of content you have and the way you have presented it just blows me away every time. Each time I have a question my answer appears in the next sentence. It is really something! Thank you! ”
I started taking yoga at the same time that I started this program. My yoga teacher told me that she felt like my energy has changed and that the noticeable change in me has been transformational. And I thought that was really awesome. I think this has been a reflection of everything I have been doing.
I know I’m going to make it to the one-year mark and if you had told me that a year ago I would have questioned it. But, you know, I think in my own mind I'm just better off never going back to alcohol because, I know what I now know.”
The nutrition allowed me to step off the gerbil wheel of wine.”
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ANGELINA PENNELL NUTRITION is 100% Virtual. Private Coaching Options
I respectfully acknowledge that I live and work on Treaty 7 Territory in Southern Alberta, home to the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut’ina Nation, the Îyâxe Nakoda (Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations), and the Métis Nation of Alberta, Regions 5 & 6. I honor the Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Indigenous communities who continue to care for this land and its traditions. I approach my work with deep appreciation for the connection between nourishment, health, and the land we share.
Copyright © 2017 - 2025 ANGELINA PENNELL NUTRITION. All Rights Reserved.
The information on this website is for educational use only. No information on this website is intended to diagnose disease or replace current medical treatment.
Please always consult your medical provider before making dietary, supplement or lifestyle changes.